New work for The Who, Pete Townshend and Eddie Vedder Benefit concert.

Two custom painted guitars auctioned off for Teen Cancer America

who_target_union_jack2_small_guitarUnion_jack_sidewalkScreen Shot 2015-05-09 at 8.36.03 PM10986174_10205981562712044_5226213254769601782_n-1Original show Art 48×60. Auctioned off and used for all Art in promo materials and outdoor signage as well as vip passes, limited signed artist prints, and posters.

11214065_10205981560511989_6419497650514424177_n   Art work displayed on large video screen during the moment Pete Townshend played a rare recording for the fans recorded in Nashville. Only 3 copies ever made. was an inspiring moment to see a legend spin a vinyl that will be auctioned off for Teen Cancer America.

10478942_10205999259874462_560662984118837974_n Vip passes that are already showing up on Ebay collectors radar.


Marque outside Rosemont Theatre